Dear Diary, That was a ride

Dear Diary-

Today I accomplished a goal of mine. It was to become a Real Estate Broker. I remember before I got my last office job that I had thought about going into that sort of business but I never went for it.

Back in December, a week and half before Christmas I got let go from my office job. It was a major surprise to me as there were no signs that I would be let go nor did I do anything wrong. I had worked already half the day that day and I made Christmas Goodies for all the employees that day. It was supposed to be a great day. It ended with me questioning my life. My life choices and whether I really wanted to go back to a crummy 9-5 job. I was sick of working for corporate jobs who only wanted people in their office’s who were friends with them.

My husband, a couple days into my unemployment era said “Call your Aunt and talk to her about Real Estate, you have wanted to get into it and I think now is the time” I was like… I’ll talk to her about it durning Christmas breakfast, and that is exactly what I did.

I made up my mind that Christmas Morning to pursue it.

It was an actually difficult task. I laugh because when I was in business school for a year, it was easier than the Real Estate training/exams. I kept pushing through. I had the most AMAZING support system I could ever ask for. I got texts a couple times a week from my aunt encouraging me to keep going.

I didn’t even grieve my job loss. I think the most thing I grieved was for myself. My self worth and how I always put sooo much effort into my jobs and I always gave my all. I was sick of giving my all and leaving with no such feeling of reward.

Deciding to pursue a different career at 31 was heartbreaking for me. I know you think that’s still young but I was content at where I was. I guess that is the issue though right? I was just CONTENT. I wasn’t excited everyday, I wasn’t giddy. I knew that feeling all too well and I should have just went for what I want. I think my biggest problem was, I lost my spark to do more things than just one. I used to have so many goals and ambitions but after the years came and went that started to dim for me. it wasn’t any particular thing that dimmed my energy, I think it was just life and the experiences that came with life.

Now don’t get me wrong, I have loved all my jobs I have ever had, they made me for who I am today. I have truly loved all my co-workers and the experiences I have gotten out of all of it. These experiences will help me for years to come with the new work I am going to be doing.

Now, I get to help people find their dream homes. My goal always will be to make sure my clients are comfortable, and HAPPY with their purchases/sale. I want to be that person that you can call a friend or family. I want to always be there for YOU. I am so excited to start a new chapter in this crazy thing called LIFE. I am so GRATEFUL 🥹 for everyone in my life who continued to push me and encourage me to move forward.

With this step and after getting my feet all the way in with Real Estate, I plan to go back to school to finish up my Business Degree. I want this in my back pocket because I loved Business School and I just want to finish where I started.

Remember this- you’re never too old to do something. You’re never too old to start a new career, you’re never too old to finish what you started.

Also, YOU CAN DO ANYTHING. That’s the beauty of life. You can go out and be anything you want to be because we have that option. If you’re reading this, I support you 🫶🏼

Now go out there and Dream Big. 💕

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